Friday 19 August 2011

Rory is better then the Miracle Day 1

How Rory can be Cat 1 and still "alive"
Earth, Cardiff, modern day. The Doctor and Amy are getting ice-cream. Rory enters

Doctor? Can I talk to you?

[Fiddling with ice-cream machine] Not now Rory, I’m busy!

[Turns] Doctor, seriously, turn around.

[As Doctor sighs and turns around] I have an axe in my head.

Amy and the Doctor look stunned as blood pours down his head and down his back then pools on the floor.

[Looks up and down at Rory] Right, ok, to the overflow camp!

Rory looks shocked as the Doctor grabs his arm and drags him off, Amy following with an ice-cream in her hand.

As they arrive, Rory is shoved into a bed and a red peg stuck on his t-shirt.

[Removes axe] Really, I’m fine! It doesn’t hurt! [Gets up] I’m perfectly fine!

Rory starts to dance, badly, as his head heals with no help

He’s better then your Miracle. He can heal himself, even after an axe in the head and still feel fine.

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