Friday 19 August 2011

Rory's Story Part 1: The Eleventh Hour

Hello :) Here's part one of Rory's Story: a feature looking at Rory's involvement in previous Doctor Who episodes (a bit like a prequel to the upcoming Rory Watch.) , from The Eleventh Hour to A Good Man Goes to War. Rory's Story will be posted twice a day, finishing on Friday 26 August, the day before Let's Kill Hitler airs:
PART ONE: THE ELEVENTH HOUR (Series 5, Episode 1) 

When we first met Rory, back in series five's opener, The Eleventh Hour, he was a nurse working at Leadworth Hospital. He didn't play a big part in the episode,  but we did learn that he was Amy's 'sort-of boyfriend', and when they were younger Amy made him dress up as The Raggedy Doctor- the recently regenerated Eleventh Doctor which Amy met at age eight. He played a useful part in saving the world, by lending his phone to the Doctor for the Doctor to write a computer virus which defeated Prisoner Zero. We learn in Flesh and Stone that Rory got engaged to Amy in the two years after the Doctor's second departure. Rory wasn't seen on screen again until episode 6, The Vampires of Venice.. Also, in episode 1, the Doctor pokes Rory. He does so again in The Pandorica Opens :)
'And now you're taking your clothes off.'
Part Two, The Vampires of Venice, should be done this evening 

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