Thursday 25 August 2011

Rory's Story Part 14: The Rebel Flesh

Here's part fourteen of Rory's Story, a feature looking at Rory's involvement in previous Doctor Who episodes, (a prequel to the upcoming feature Rory Watch) from The Eleventh Hour to A Good Man Goes to War:


Rory and Amy are playing darts in the TARDIS, and they Doctor asks if they'd like fish and chips. Before they can, the TARDIS is hit by a solar tsunami, and lands on an island. Following a supply pipe, the three enter a factory where three people are suspended in harnesses, but doubles of the suspended people surround Amy, the Doctor, and Rory. Pretending they're meterologists, the Doctor warns the leader another, larger, solar wave is coming. Miranda Cleaves, the leader, takes them to a vat of flesh, telling them that all the workers aside from Jennifer are flesh 'gangers'. Rory, Amy, and the Doctor watch as Jennifer makes a gangerThe solar wave hits, and Amy and Rory find the others. Jennifer is in shock, and Rory comforts her. After discovering the gangers have become independant, Jennifer heads for the toilets, as she is feeling ill. Concerned for her (as he's a nurse) Rory follows. Upon discovering she's a ganger, Jennifer punches through the door, aiming for Rory. She misses, then extends her head through the hole in the door, demanding for them to leave them (the gangers) alone. Rory runs from the room. He finds her ganger, who tells him of when she got lost as a little girl. Rory asks her where the real Jennifer is, and she becomes angry, shouting that she's just as real as the other Jennifer. Rory and Jennifer's ganger find the others, and Rory says she needs protection. The real Cleaves finds them and proceeds to kill Ganger Buzzer. She aims the weapon at Jennifer's ganger, and is tackled by Rory, who disconnects the device. The humans (and the Doctor) take refuge in the chapel, but Rory refuses to enter, instead searching for Jennifer.

 Playing darts with Amy in the TARDIS while listening to Muse

I will be doing The Almost People tonight
L Bunting

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