Saturday 20 August 2011

Rory's Story Part 3: Amy's Choice

Here's part three of Rory's Story: a feature looking at Rory's involvement in previous Doctor Who episodes (a prequel to the upcoming Rory Watch), from The Eleventh Hour to A Good Man Goes to War. Rory's Story will be posted twice a day (I'll be doing one each day, the other is selected at random) until Saturday 27 August, the day of the broadcast of Let's Kill Hitler airs:
PART THREE: AMY'S CHOICE (Series 5, episode 7)

Amy's Choice was Rory's first full episode as a proper companion. Rory, along with Amy and the Doctor, fell victim to 'psychic pollen' which trapped the trio in two shared dreams- one in the TARDIS, drifting towards a burning star with 7 minutes to live, and one five years after, in Upper Leadworth. In the Leadworth dream, Rory had become a doctor, and he and Amy were having a baby (and also Rory had an awful ponytail (thankfully not pictured).) However, the Doctor came along and together they battled the Eknodine- creatures which had possessed the elderly residents of Leadworth.) In both dreams, Rory was taunted by the Dream Lord, who claimed that Amy didn't really love Rory, and that Rory was the 'gooseberry' of the trio. However, in the Leadworth dream, Rory was shot by an Eknodine's poison gas, and turned to dust. This made Amy realize that she loved Rory and didn't want to be without him, so she killed herself and the Doctor by crashing her car. Back in the TARDIS, Rory, the Doctor and Amy were killed in the TARDIS dream too, and brought back to reality when the Doctor revealed that both scenarios were a dream.
Rory whacks an Eknodine with a stick :)
GoodGum will be doing part 4, The Hungry Earth this afternoon.

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