Sunday 28 August 2011

Rory's View Part One: The Eleventh Hour

Here's part one of Rory's View, a daily feature which charts a part of an episode from Rory's point of view:
A man in torn clothes runs straight past me, in the process grabbing my phone from my hands. I was just about to call out when he turns around. There is something very familiar about him.
"The sun's going out, and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?!" he asks with a stern expression.
Amy runs up to me. I feel VERY relieved, and a bit unsure about what to say to the man.
"Amy!" I exclaim
Amy turns to the man and says
"Oh, this is Rory. He's a... friend."
I feel kind of upset about the fact she said friend not boyfriend so I say
''Well, boyfriend.''
"Kind of.. boyfriend" she adds.
"Amy!" I feel slightly annoyed at this point- it's like she doesn't want the man to know.
 However, the man is clearly not interested because he repeats his question.
"Man and dog, why?!"
I stare at him, and I realise, who he was, old childhood memories of being forced to dress up and be him comes to my mind. I'm really not sure what to do.
"Oh my God, it's him"
"Just answer his question,"
"But its him though, the Raggedy Doctor,"
"Yeah. He came back,"
"But he was story, he was a ga-"
I didnt get to finish because he grabbed hold of me and demanded an answer to his question. Slightly scared, I said:
"Sorry because, he can't be there, because he's in a hospital, in a coma,"
He said the last bit with me, as if he already knew, so why ask me then?! He started talking about multiforms and that they needed a psychic link with a living but dormant mind. I hadn't a clue what it meant, or what a multiform was, but this was the man who could travel through time and space (apparently) so I'll just go with the flow...

Part two, The Vampires of Venice will be done by PreTitlesSequence tomorrow.
(Edited by PreTitlesSequence)

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