Sunday 11 September 2011

Rory Watch Part 3: The Girl Who Waited

Here's part three of Rory Watch, a feature that charts Rory's involvement in an episode:
The story begins with Rory and Amy trying to pronounce the name of the planet Apulapacia, which they have just landed on. Rory, the Doctor and Amy get out of the TARDIS, to see a white corridor with a door. Amy goes into the TARDIS to get her camera phone, while Rory and the Doctor press the Green Anchor button, and go into the Green Anchor room, while Amy goes into the Red Waterfall. A handbot comes in and attacks Rory, while the Doctor talks to Amy through the Time Glass. The Doctor orders Amy to go into the facility and leave a message, so the Doctor and Rory can break into Amy's time stream with the TARDIS. The Doctor and Rory do so, but the Doctor stays in the TARDIS, since Apulapacia has been infected with a plague that kills two hearted races in a day, so he gives Rory special glasses (like the contact lenses in Torchwood) so he can talk to Rory. Rory goes out, but is attacked by a figure in samurai armor, revealed to be an older Amy that has waited 36 years for the Doctor and Rory. The older Amy is bitter towards Rory and the Doctor, claiming that she hates the Doctor. Future Amy leads Rory to her hideout, where she tells him about the 36 years she spent running from handbots to survive. They then go to the garden, where they are ambushed by handbots, and one touches Rory, causing him to go to sleep (LOOK AT THE GIF!) Future Amy kills the handbot just before it administers its deadly medicine. Once the handbot has been destroyed, Future Amy demands that Rory and the Doctor take her into the TARDIS, to travel again. The Doctor finds the past Amy however, and Rory is left with a dilemma- which wife does he want? Furious about this, he yells at the Doctor and throws the glasses away. However, through the glasses on the floor, the Doctor says that Rory can use the time glass to see younger Amy. Rory goes to Future Amy, and shows her younger Amy through the time glass, crying. Rory goes out of the room while both Amy's talk to each other, both saying that Rory is the most beautiful man they've ever met. Younger Amy's words persuade Future Amy to help Rory, 'to pull time apart for him.' After Future Amy and Rory kiss, they go out of the building, where Future Amy says that she'll only help Rory if she travels in the TARDIS too. The Doctor claims that there could, just, be two Amy's in the TARDIS. Rory uses Amy's sonic probe, helped by both Amy's remembering a strong memory, to bring younger Amy into their time stream. Rory reunites with younger Amy as the two Amy's argue over which Amy is 'Amy 1.' Together, Rory and the two Amy's fight handbots on the way to the TARDIS, but just as they reach it, the younger Amy is touched by a handbot. Rory slams a painting down on the handbot and destroys it, and carries younger Amy to the TARDIS. But as the older Amy runs to the TARDIS, the Doctor locks the door, saying that he was lying, there can only be one Amy in the TARDIS. Through the door, future Amy persuades Rory to not let her in, and she fades from existence. Later, young Amy wakes up, and asks: 'Where is she?' The Doctor walks away, and leaves Rory to deal with the questions.

Next time, it's The God Complex, which will be done by GoodGum on Sunday 18 September.

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