Wednesday 24 August 2011

From Rory's point of View (2)

ok no one replied but L.Bunting, Hezza and RazerTheTechDragon said it was good so i decided to do a second...
from Day Of the Moon.
(edit- friday 26th august 2011)JazzyWazzy was also supposed to do one yesterday but instead of reposting for him I'll just make this edit.
"i cant get her out!"

why does no one listen to me?

"go leave me" she says

"im not leaving you!"

"just get your stupid face out of here!"

I stare at her as realisation dawns on me. It had me all along earlier when I thought she was talking about the doctor it had been me

My grip loosens on the straps, but I don't have much time to think, river is getting a bit trigger happy, the silence are firing bolts at us, and NOW the doctor helps!

The doctor is sonicing the straps I hold Amy as we rush into the TARDIS the doctor following, I risk a peek outside and nearly get shot as river shoots silent after silent. Wow.

I stare at her,

"what kind of doctor are you?" I enquire

"Archeology" she replies as a silent looms over her she shoots it without looking and my jaw nearly hits the floor.
"love a tomb" she finishes


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