Wednesday 24 August 2011

Rory's Story Part 13: The Doctor's Wife

Here's part thirteen of Rory's Story, a feature looking at Rory's involvement in previous Doctor Who episodes, (a prequel to the upcoming feature Rory Watch) from The Eleventh Hour to A Good Man Goes to War:

So the episode begins and it all starts with a some mail, which Rory has no idea what it is and gives his great clueless look. so then they travel through a hole in the universe and go into another universe where rory meets house, Idris,Nephew,Uncle and Auntie! Rory rather thinks they look like a bunch of nutters! As the episode continues on we see the Doctor go off to find more little blue boxes and let Rory take care of Amy. The good thing about this is that it gives more feel that Rorys not just the useless fool, but that the Doctor trusts him with things that he needs him to do. So as the Doctor goes of , Rory and Amy suddenly get locked in the TARDIS and then Rory holds Amys hand to comfort her,and to give the feeling that everything will be alright.
Next as the doctor goes of bulding TARDIS' with "Sexy", Rory gives them more time to work out how to escape and survive as he tells House "you want to have FUN! so you can't have fun if you kill us quickly..." , so Rory and Amy run around trying not to die,Rory suddenly gets trapped behind Amy as the door shuts just before he can make it through with Amy. There we see rory, hours later,but then they quicky go off and yet again rory gets left behind and is now seen with a beard as he has wrinkles and is now two thousand years older, there after waiting so many years, he gets furious with Amy and makes a grab for her, but Amy terrified, runs of , to accidently trap rory of once more. So for once more Amy goes and see Rory as a piler of bones with his blood scattered everywhere saying " Kill Amy", there Amy weeps for her dead husband and then suddenly ,Ta-da!, the last centurion apears! There heroic rory tells amy that its just House and gives her a great hug. Then Rory and Amy head of where they suddenly meet Nephew , possesed by House!

So they both run of and open the old TARDIS console room! Next the magic Doctor and mad Idris apear, and as Idris (TARDIS) is close to dying , nurse Rory goes of to help her, as almost all seems lost the doctor discreetly make House put them in the main control room, there Rory is puzzled by Idris' words" the only water in the forest is the river.", but then the old TARDIS come back to life in her home and destorys house by kicking him out of her "house" (GREAT PUN THERE!,LOL). so as we come to the end Rory gives one final request: a King size bed.

written by Hezza ( Henry)

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