Tuesday 23 August 2011

Rory's Story Part 10: The Impossible Astronaut

Here's part ten of Rory's Story, a feature looking at Rory's involvement in previous Doctor Who episodes (a bit like a prequel to the upcoming Rory Watch) from The Eleventh Hour to A Good Man Goes to War. Rory's Story will be posted twice a day until Friday 26 August, the day before Let's Kill Hitler airs:

Rory is with Amy at home unpacking shopping, Amy is reading a history book. While Rory is watching a Laurel and Hardy film, Amy gets the post. She gets a TARDIS-blue envelope and it has a date, a time, and a map reference. River gets the same. they're apparantly going to America. They all meet up in the desert, Utah. Rory gets off the bus and states that they are in the middle of nowhere, so they must be in the right place, to Amy. River appears and the Stetson the Doctor's wearing, dies, as the Doctor's fez did. They soon end up in a cafe and the Doctor says hes been running his whole life and it's time for him to stop. They all have a picnic (and the Doctor is apparantly 200 years older than last time) and the Doctor gets killed by the Impossible Astronaut. Rory burns the Doctor's body, while Amy, River and old Canton stay back and watch. They then meet a past Doctor, 200 years younger than the other, this Doctor calls Rory the Roman and says that Rory the Roman a good title (while the King of OK isn't) Rory and River and Amy have a talk, and River states  that they cant tell him, he cant cross his own timeline Amy says he's done it before, and Rory replies, in all fairness the universe DID blow up. They all persuade the Doctor to go to 1969 and talk to Canton Everett Delaware the 3rd. Amy keeps seeing things and they end up in a warehouse, after a astronaut and a little girl, River goes under the warehouse and the Doctor tells Rory to go with her, Rory and River talk and then Rory is told to keep a look out, there are sparks and river yells RORY! and that's it...
Going with River and nearly dying again :)

Part 11, Day of the Moon will be done by L Bunting tomorrow morning*
*subject to time zones, it's all a bit wibbly at the moment. Expect to see it at either very early morning (i.e, 2am, 3am) or early to mid afternoon




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