Here's the delayed part two of Rory's View, a feature which charts a part of an episode from Rory's point of view:

Suddenly, a familiar figure bursts from the cake. I can't believe it. It's the Raggedy Doctor, Amy's Raggedy Doctor, who I'd met in Leadworth two years ago. I shake my head, incredulous. How could he be here? He turns around, and cries: 'Rory! That's a relief!'
He continues, despite everything: 'Thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake. Again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside. Could someone let her in, give her a jumper? Lucy, lovely girl. Diabetic.'
He turns to me, and says: 'Rory, we need to talk. About your fiance.'
I grin. Not that I need reminding that I was the luckiest man in the world. I look down at my shirt- me with Amy.
And then, to my dismay, he drops a bombshell: 'She tried to kiss me.'
Why would Amy try to kiss the Doctor? Why would she want to cheat on me with him?
He happily goes on, however: 'Tell you what, you're a lucky man, she's a great kisser.'
I hear a glass shattering. Right now, I want to punch the Doctor, very hard, in the face.
Part 3, Amy's Choice, will be done by L Bunting soon